Pubblicazioni Scientifiche




In grassetto gli autori supportati dalla Fondazione “Enrico ed Enrica Sovena”



  • Mazzanti, L. Braghiroli, P. Bolle, A. Saija, L. Saso. Effects of Panax ginseng and Ginkgo biloba on in vitro Prolactin Secretion Phytotherapy Research 10:33-35 (1996)
  • Giacomelli, L. Braghiroli, A. Ponzianelli, D. W. Koppenaal, G. de Feo. A Sensitive Assay for Studying Dopaminergic Activity in Cultures of Rat Pituitary Cells Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 49: 319-321 (1996)
  • Valeri, L. Romanelli, L. A. Morrone, M. C. Amico, F. Mattioli. Mu and Kappa Opioid System Interactions in the Expression of Acute Opioid Dependence in Isolated Guinea-pig Ileum Neuropharmacology 35:377-384 (1996)
  • Gubellini, G.M. Bisso, A. Ciofi Luzzatto, S. Fortuna, P. Lorenzini, H. Michalek, G. Scarsella. Ubiquitin-Mediated Stress Response in a Rat Model of Brain Transient Ischemia/Hypoxia Neurochemical Research 22:93-100 (1997)
  • Bobo’, D.F. Mirarchi. Allergia al nichel: descrizione di un caso Difesa Sociale 6:69-75 (1997)
  • F. Mirarchi, M. R. Russomanno. L’iperdontia. Indagine epidemiologica su 20398 pazienti Attualità Odontostomatologiche 2:37-42 (1997)
  • Battinelli, M.T. Mascellino, M.C. Martino, M. Lu, G. Mazzanti. Antimicrobial Activity of Ginsenosides. Pharmacy and Pharmacology Communications 4:1-4 (1998)
  • A. Izzo, N. Mascolo, F. Borrelli, F. Capasso. Excitatory transmission to the circular muscle of the guinea-pig ileum: evidence for the involvement of cannabinoid CB1 receptors British Journal of Pharmacology 124:1363-1368 (1998)
  • Giacomelli, M. Palmery, L. Romanelli, C. Yan Cheng, B. Silvestrini. Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is a partial agonist of D2 dopaminergic receptors and it potentiates dopamine-mediated prolactin secretion in lactotrophs in vitro Life Sciences 63:215-222 (1998)
  • Mazzanti, M. Lu, G. Salvatore. Spasmolytic Action of the Essential Oil from Hyssopus officinalis L. var. decumbens and Its Major Components Phytotherapy Research 12: 92-94 (1998)
  • Potenza, S.L. Weinstein, J.G. Neyt. Dysfunction of the Spinal Cord During Spinal Arthrodesis for Scoliosis: Recommendations for Early Detection and Treatment The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 80:1679-1683 (1998)
  • Sanogo, R. De Pasquale, M. P. Germano’. The Antitussive Activity of Guiera senegalensis J.F. Gmel (Combretaceae) Phytotherapy Research 12:132-134 (1998)
  • Sanogo, G. Crisafi, M.P. Germano’, R. De Pasquale, G. Bisignano. Evaluation of Malian Traditional Medicines: Screening for Antimicrobial Activity Phytotherapy Research 12: 154-156 (1998)
  • Sanogo, M.P. Germano’, V. D’Angelo, M. Guglielmo – R. De Pasquale. Antihepatotoxic Properties of Entada africana (Mimosaceae) Phytotherapy Research 12:157-159 (1998)
  • M. Galati, M.T. Monforte, A. d’Aquino, N. Miceli, D. Di Mauro, R. Sanogo. Effects of naringin on experimental ulcer in rats Phytomedicine 5:361-366 (1998)
  • Saso, G. Valentini, M.G. Leone, E. Grippa, B. Silvestrini. Development of an in vitro Assay for the Screening of Substances Capable of Dissolving Calcium Oxalate Crystals Urologia Internationalis 61:210-214 (1998)
  • Saso, G. Valentini, E. Grippa, M.G. Leone, B. Silvestrini. Effect of selected substances on heat-induced aggregation of Albumin, IgG and Lysozyme Research Communications in Molecular Pathology and Pharmacology 102:15-28 (1998)
  • Saso, G. Valentini, A.M. Giardino, A. Spadaro, V. Riccieri, A. Zoppini, B. Silvestrini. Changes of glycosylation of serum proteins in psoriatic arthritis, studied by enzyme-linked lectin assay (Ella), using Concanavalin A Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International 46:867-875 (1998)
  • Romanelli, M.C. Amico, F. Mattioli, L.A. Morrone, P. Valeri. Interactions between cholecystokinin and opioids in the isolated guinea-pig ileum British Journal of Pharmacology 127:909-918 (1999)
  • Mariani, G. Vocaturo, M. Benevolo, M. Atlante, M. Mottolese, P. Benedetti Panici. Role of immunocytologic peritoneal washing in endometrial carcinoma International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 9:88-89 (1999)
  • A. Izzo, N. Mascolo, F. Borrelli, F. Capasso. Defaecation, intestinal fluid accumulation and motility in rodents: implications of cannabinoid CB1 receptors Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology 359:65-70 (1999)
  • A. Izzo, L. Sautebin, F. Borrelli, R. Longo, F. Capasso. The role of nitric oxide in aloe-induced diarrhoea in the rat European Journal of Pharmacology 368:43-48 (1999)
  • Braghiroli, A. Ponzianelli, G. Mazzanti. Paradoxical effect of neuroleptic drugs on prolactin secretion by rat pituitary cell cultures Life Sciences 65:1455-1461 (1999)
  • Saso, G. Valentini, M.L. Casini, E. Mattei, L. Braghiroli, G. Mazzanti, C. Panzironi, E. Grippa, B. Silvestrini. Inhibition of Protein Denaturation by Fatty Acids, Bile Salts and Other Natural Substances: A New Hypothesis for the Mechanism of Action of Fish Oil in Rheumatic Diseases The Japanese Journal of Pharmacology 79:89-99 (1999)
  • Saso, M.G. Leone, Meng-Yun Mo, E. Grippa, C. Yan Cheng, B. Silvestrini. Differential changes in α2-Macroglobulin and Hemopexin in Brain and Liver in Response to Acute Inflammation Biochemistry 64:839-844 (1999)
  • Renzini, F. Scazzocchio, M. Lu, G. Mazzanti, G. Salvatore. Antibacterial and Cytotoxic Activity of Hyssopus officinalis L. Oils Journal of Essential Oil Research 11:649-654 (1999)
  • Abdel-Haq, M.F. Cometa, M. Palmery, M. G. Leone, B. Silvestrini, L. Saso. Relaxant Effects of Hydrastis canadensis L. and its Major Alkaloids on Guinea Pig Isolated Trachea Pharmacology and Toxicology 87:218-222 (2000)
  • Abdel-Haq, M. Palmery, M.G. Leone, L. Saso, B. Silvestrini. Relaxant Effects of Aflatoxins on Isolated Guinea Pig Trachea Toxicological Sciences 55:162-170 (2000)
  • Mazzanti, M.T. Mascellino, L. Battinelli, D. Coluccia, M. Manganaro, L. Saso. Antimicrobial investigation of semipurified fractions of Ginkgo biloba leaves Journal of Ethnopharmacology 71:83-88 (2000)
  • Marcozzi, F. Madia, G. Del Bianco, E. Mattei, G. de Feo. Lacrimal fluid peroxidase activity during the menstrual cycle Current Eye Research 20:178-182 (2000)
  • Lu, M. Nicoletti, L. Battinelli, G. Mazzanti. Isolation of praeruptorins α and β from Peucedanum praeruptorum Dunn. and their general pharmacological evaluation in comparison with extracts of the drug Il Farmaco 56:417-420 (2001)
  • Mengoni, M. Lichtner, L. Battinelli, M. Marzi, C.M. Mastroianni, V. Vullo, G. Mazzanti. In vitro Anti-HIV Activity of Oleanolic Acid on Infected Human Mononuclear Cells Planta Medica 67:1-4 (2001)
  • Tita, M.G. Leone, M.L. Casini, C. Corubolo, F. Bordi, D. Guidolin, E. Fumagalli, L. Romanelli, F. Mattioli, J. Fehér, L. Saso. Corneal Toxicity of Xylazine and Clonidine, in Combination with Ketamine, in the Rat Ophthalmic Research 33:345-352 (2001)
  • Madia, E. Grippa, G. Marcozzi, G. de Feo, B. Silvestrini, L. Saso. Circadian changes of human and rat lacrimal tear proteins evacuate by concanavalin-A blotting Pharmacological Research 43:suppl.A (2001)
  • Madia, V. Liberati, G. de Feo, G. Marcozzi. Variations of Lacrimal Fluid Peroxidase Activity in Female and Male Rats Ophthalmic Research 33:176-179 (2001)
  • Liberati, F. Madia, M. Centofanti, A. Pizzinga, L. Saso, G. Marcozzi. Effect of hormonal treatments on human lacrimal fluid peroxidase activity in women: hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and oral contraceptives Pharmacological Research 43:suppl. A (2001)
  • Lu, L. Battinelli, C. Daniele, C. Melchioni, G. Salvatore, G. Mazzanti. Muscle Relaxing Activity of Hyssopus officinalis Essential Oil on Isolated Intestinal Preparations Planta Medica 68: 213-216 (2002)
  • Monteleone, D. Martin, J. Baudet. Indications for digital replantation: our experience and review of the literature Rivista Italiana di Chirurgia Plastica 34: 31-37 (2002)
  • Romanelli, M.C. Amico, M. Palmery, I. Peluso, G. Savini, P. Tucci, P. Valeri. Role of the cholinergic system and of apamin-sensitive Ca2+ -activated K+ channels on rabbit jejunum spontaneous activity and on the inhibitory effects of adrenoceptor agonists Autonomic & Autacoid Pharmacology 23:105-115 (2003)
  • Borrelli, R. Capasso, A. Pinto, A.A. Izzo. Inhibitory effect of ginger (Zingiber officinale) on Rat Ileal Motility in vitro Life Sciences 74: 2889-2896 (2004)
  • Capasso, F. Borrelli, F. Capasso, N. Mascolo, A.A. Izzo. Inhibitory effect of the antidepressant St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) on Rat Bladder Contractility in vitro Urology 64:168-172 (2004)
  • Capasso, A.A. Izzo, G. Romussi, F. Capasso, N. De Tommasi, A. Bisio, N. Mascolo. A Secoisopimarane Diterpenoid from Salvia cinnabarina Inhibits Rat Urinary Bladder Contractility in vitro Planta Medica 70:185-188 (2004)
  • Capasso, A.A. Izzo, F. Capasso, G. Romussi, A. Bisio, N. Mascolo. A Diterpenoid from Salvia cinnabarina Inhibits Mouse Intestinal Motility in vivo Planta Medica 70:375-377 (2004)
  • D. D’Auria, M. Tecca, V. Strippoli, G. Salvatore, L. Battinelli, G. Mazzanti. Antifungal Activity of Lavandula Angustifolia Essential Oil against Candida Albicans Yeast and Mycelial Form Medical Mycology 43:391-396 (2005)
  • G. Evandri, L. Battinelli, C. Daniele, S. Mastrangelo, P. Bolle, G. Mazzanti. The Antimutagenic Activity of Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Essential Oil in the Bacterial Reverse Mutation Assay Food and Chemical Toxicology 43:1381-1387 (2005)
  • Borrelli, R. Capasso, G. Aviello, G. Di Carlo, A.A. Izzo, N. Mascolo, F. Capasso. Senna and the formation of aberrant crypt foci and tumors in rats treated with azoxymethane Phytomedicine 12:501-505 (2005)
  • Romanelli, L.A. Morrone, M.C. Amico, M. Palmery, P. Tucci, P. Valeri. Inhibitory Control of the Acute Mu-Withdrawal Response by Indirectly Activated adenosine A1 and Kappa-Opioid Systems in the Guinea-Pig Ileum; Reversal by Cholecystokinin Neurotoxicology 26:829-839 (2005)
  • Agostinelli, P. Palmigiani, L. Dalla Vedova, G. Tempera, F. Belli, N. Seiler. Interaction of bovine serum amine oxidase with the polyamine oxidase inactivator MDL 72527 Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 340:840-844 (2006)
  • Agostinelli, G. Tempera, A. Molinari, M. Salvi, V. Battaglia, A. Toninello, G. Arancia. The physiological role of biogenic amines redox reactions in mitochondria.  New perspectives in cancer therapy Amino Acids  33:175-187 (2007)
  • Agostinelli, F. Belli, G. Tempera, A. Mura, G. Floris, L. Toniolo, A. Vavasori, S. Fabris, F. Momo, R. Stevanato. Polyketone polymer: A new support for direct enzyme immobilization Journal of Biotechnology 127:670-678 (2007)
  • Marra, E. Agostinelli, G. Tempera, A. Lombardi, G. Meo, A. Budillon, A. Abbruzzese, G. Giuberti, M. Caraglia. Anticancer drugs and hyperthermia enhance cytotoxicity induced by polyamine enzymatic oxidation products Amino Acids 33:273-281 (2007)
  • Diana, G. Valentini, S. Travaglione, L. Falzano, M. Pieri, C. Zona, S. Meschini, A. Fabbri, C. Fiorentini. Enhancement of learning and memory after activation of cerebral Rho GTPases Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Usa 104:636-641(2007)
  • Vitali, A. Saija, S. Franchitto, M. Artico, B. Tita. Antiulcer potential of a standardized extract of red orange juice in the rat International Journal of Food Properties 10:331-344 (2007)
  • Vitalone. Phytotherapy for patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Benefits and risks Recent Developments in Medicinal Plant Research. Research Signpost 12:231-249 (2007)
  • Mazzanti, L. Battinelli, C. Daniele, S. Costantini, L. Ciaralli, M.G. Evandri. Purity control of some Chinese crude herbal drugs marketed in Italy Food and Chemical Toxicology 46:3043-3047 (2008)
  • Capasso, F. Borrelli, M.G. Cascio, G. Aviello, K. Huben, J.K. Zjawiony, P. Marini, B. Romano, V. Di Marzo, F. Capasso, A.A. Izzo. Inhibitory effect of salvinorin A, from Salvia divinorum, on ileitis-induced hypermotility: cross-talk between к-opioid and cannabinoid CB1 receptors British Journal of Pharmacology 155:681-689 (2008)
  • Mazzanti, A. Di Sotto, A. Franchitto, S. Mastrangelo, M. Pezzella, A. Vitalone, C.L. Mammola. Effects of Cimicifuga racemosa extract on liver morphology and hepatic function indices Phytomedicine 15:1021-1024 (2008)
  • Aviello, B. Romano, A.A. Izzo. Cannabinoids and gastrointestinal motility: animal and human studies European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 12:81-93 (2008)
  • Savarese, B. Bederka, A. Amendola. Distal Femoral Osteotomy In: Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery: Knee Arthroplasty by P. A. Lotke, J. H. Lonner. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 28 (2008)
  • Trezza, L.J.M.J. Vanderschuren. Cannabinoid and opioid modulation of social play behavior in adolescent rats: differential behavioral mechanisms European Neuropsychopharmacology 18:519-30 (2008)
  • Menniti-Ippolito, G. Mazzanti, A. Vitalone, F. Firenzuoli, C. Santuccio. Surveillance of Suspected Adverse Reactions to Natural Health Products Drug Safety 31: 419-423 (2008)
  • Ippolito, F. De Maio, F. Mancini, D. Bellini, A. Orefice. Leg muscle atrophy in Idiopathic Congenital Clubfoot: is it primitive or acquired? Journal of Children’s Orthopaedics 3:171-178 (2009)
  • Capasso, G. Aviello, B. Romano, G. Atorino, E. Pagano, F. Borrelli. Inhibitory effect of quercetin on rat trachea contractility in vitro Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 61: 115-119 (2009)
  • Di Sotto, M. Chiaretti, A. Carru, S. Bellucci, G. Mazzanti. Multi-walled carbon nanotubes: lack of mutagenic activity in the bacterial reverse mutation assay Toxicology Letters 184:192-197 (2009)
  • Di Sotto, S. Mastrangelo, G. Romussi, A. Bisio, G. Mazzanti. Antimutagenic activity of a secoisopimarane diterpenoid from Salvia cinnabarina M. Martens et Galeotti in the bacterial reverse mutation assay Food and Chemical Toxicology 47:2092-2096 (2009)
  • Mazzanti, A. Di Sotto, A. Franchitto, C.L. Mammola, P. Mariani, S. Mastrangelo, F. Menniti-Ippolito, A. Vitalone. Chelidonium majus is not hepatotoxic in Wistar rats, in a 4 weeks feeding experiment Journal of Ethnopharmacology 126:518-524 (2009)
  • L. Pearl, S. Kurutz, R. Postacchini. Geometric variables in anatomic replacement of the proximal humerus: How much prosthetic geometry is necessary? Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 18:366-370 (2009)
  • Agostinelli, M. Condello, A. Molinari, G. Tempera, N. Viceconte, G. Arancia. Cytotoxicity of spermine oxidation products to multidrug resistant melanoma M14 ADR2 cells: Sensitization by the MDL 72527 lysosomotropic compound International Journal of Oncology 35:485-498 (2009)
  • Trezza, R. Damsteegt, L.J.M.J. Vanderschuren. Conditioned place-preference induced by social play behavior: Parametrics, extinction, reinstatement and disruption by methylphenidate European Neuropsychopharmacology 19:659-669 (2009)
  • Trezza, L.J.M.J. Vanderschuren. Divergent Effects of Anandamide Transporter Inhibitors with Different Target Selectivity on Social Play Behavior in Adolescent Rats The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 328:343-350 (2009)
  • Corrente, P. Matricardi, P. Paolicelli, B. Tita, F. Vitali, M.A. Casadei. Physical Carboxymethylscleroglucan/Calcium Ion Hydrogels as Modified Drug Delivery Systems in Topical Formulations Molecules 14:2684-2698 (2009)
  • Di Sotto, G. Mazzanti, F. Carbone, P. Hrelia, F. Maffei. Inhibition by β-caryophyllene of ethyl methanesulfonate-induced clastogenicity in cultured human lymphocytes Mutation Research 699:23-28 (2010)
  • Di Sotto, A. Vitalone, M. Nicoletti, A. Piccin, G. Mazzanti. Pharmacological and phytochemical study on a Sisymbrium officinale Scop. extract Journal of Ethnopharmacology 127:731-736 (2010)
  • Petrocchi, S. Quaresima, M.P. Mongiardi, C. Severini, R. Possenti. Activation of kinase phosphorylation by heat-shift and mild heat-shock Cell Biology International Reports 17:9-12 (2010)
  • Agostinelli, M.P.M. Marques, R. Calheiros, F.P.S.C. Gil, G. Tempera, N. Viceconte, V. Battaglia, S. Grancara, A. Toninello. Polyamines: fundamental characters in chemistry and biology Amino Acids 38:393-403 (2010)
  • Agostinelli, G. Tempera, N. Viceconte, S. Saccoccio, V. Battaglia, S. Grancara, A. Toninello, R. Stevanato. Potential anticancer application of polyamine oxidation products formed by amine oxidase: a new therapeutic approach Amino Acids 38:353-368 (2010)
  • Amendola, E. Savarese, A. Gabrielli. Proximal Tibial Osteotomy In: AANA Advanced Arthroscopy: The Knee by R.E. Hunter, N.A. Sgaglione. Elsevier 19:165-176 (2010)
  • Di Sotto, G. Mazzanti, F. Carbone, P. Hrelia, F. Maffei. Genotoxicity of Lavender Oil, Linalyl Acetate, and Linalool on Human Lymphocytes In Vitro Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis 52:69-71 (2011)
  • Turano, E. Gaucci, C. Grillo, S. Chichiarelli. ERp57/GRP58: a protein with multiple functions Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters 16:539-563 (2011)
  • Valente, S. Tomassi, G. Tempera, S. Saccoccio, E. Agostinelli, A. Mai. Novel Reversible Monoamine Oxidase A Inhibitors: Highly Potent and Selective 3-(1H-Pyrrol-3-yl)-2-oxazolidinones Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 54:8228-8232 (2011)
  • Vitali, G. Pennisi, G. Attaguile, F. Savoca, B. Tita. Antiproliferative and cytotoxic activity of extracts from Cistus incanus L. and Cistus monspeliensis L. on human prostate cell lines. Natural Product Research 25:188-202 (2011)
  • Corrente, P. Paolicelli, P. Matricardi, B. Tita, F. Vitali, M.A. Casadei. Novel pH-Sensitive Physical Hydrogels of Carboxymethyl Scleroglucan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 101:256-267 (2011)
  • Vitalone, S. Di Giacomo, A. Di Sotto, A. Franchitto, C.L. Mammola, P. Mariani, S. Mastrangelo, G. Mazzanti. Cassia angustifolia Extract Is Not Hepatotoxic in an in vitro and in vivo Study Pharmacology 88:252-259 (2011)
  • Di Sotto, S. Di Giacomo, A. Vitalone, M. Nicoletti, G. Mazzanti. Antimutagenic Thio Compounds from Sisymbrium officinale Journal of Natural Products 75:2062-2068 (2012)
  • Di Sotto, F. Carbone, P. Hrelia, F. Maffei, F. Castelli, M. G. Sarpietro, G. Mazzanti. Anticlastogenic Effect in Human Lymphocytes by the Sodium Salt of 3,4-Secoisopimar-4(18),7,15-trien-3-oic Acid Journal of Natural Products 75:1294-1298 (2012)
  • D’Arrigo, C. Di Meo, E. Gaucci, S. Chichiarelli, T. Coviello, D. Capitani, F. Alhaique, P. Matricardi. Self-assembled gellan-based nanohydrogels as a tool for prednisolone delivery Soft Matter 8:11557-11564 (2012)
  • Frasconi, S. Chichiarelli, E. Gaucci, F. Mazzei, C. Grillo, A. Chinazzi, F. Altieri. Interaction of ERp57 with calreticulin: Analysis of complex formation and effects of vancomycin Biophysical Chemistry 160:46-53 (2012)
  • Possenti, G. Muccioli, P. Petrocchi, C. Cero, A. Cabassi, L. Vulchanova, M.S. Riedl, M. Manieri, A. Frontini, A. Giordano, S. Cinti, P. Govoni, G. Graiani, F. Quaini, C. Ghè, E. Bresciani, I. Bulgarelli – A. Torsello, V. Locatelli, V. Sanghez, B.D. Larsen, J.S. Petersen, P. Palanza, S.  Parmigiani, A. Moles, A. Levi, A. Bartolomucci. Characterization of a novel peripheral pro-lipolytic mechanism in mice: role of VGF-derived peptide TLQP-21 Biochemical Journal 441: 511-522 (2012)
  • Marolda, M.T. Ciotti, C. Matrone, R. Possenti, P. Calissano, S. Cavallaro, C. Severini. Substance P activates ADAM9 mRNA expression and induces α-secretase-mediated amyloid precursor protein cleavage Neuropharmacology 62:1954-1963 (2012)
  • Tavladoraki, A. Cona, R. Federico, G. Tempera, N. Viceconte, S. Saccoccio, V. Battaglia, A. Toninello, E. Agostinelli. Polyamine catabulism: target for antiproliferative therapies in animals and stress tolerance strategies in plants Amino Acids 42:411-426 (2012)
  • Vitalone, F. Menniti-Ippolito, R. Raschetti, F. Renda, L. Tartaglia, G. Mazzanti.Surveillance of suspected adverse reactions to herbal products used as laxatives European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 68:231-238 (2012)
  • Mazzanti, A. Di Sotto, S. Di Giacomo, F. Durazzi, P. Mariani, M. Nicoletti, C.L. Mammola, A. Vitalone. Chelidonium majus L. does not potentiate the hepatic effect of acetaminophen Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 65:1117-1120 (2013)
  • Di Sotto, F. Maffei, P. Hrelia, F. Castelli, M.G. Sarpietro, G. Mazzanti. Genotoxicity assessment of β-caryophyllene oxide Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 66:264-268 (2013)
  • Di Sotto, F. Durazzi, M.G. Sarpietro, G. Mazzanti. Antimutagenic and antioxidant activities of some bioflavours from wine Food and Chemical Toxicology and Pharmacology 60:141-146 (2013)
  • Gaucci, F. Altieri, C. Turano, S. Chichiarelli. The Protein ERp57 Contributes to EGF Receptor Signaling and Internalization in MDA-MB-468 Breast Cancer Cells Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 114: 2461-2470 (2013)
  • Gaucci, F. Altieri, S. Chichiarelli. Unexpected plasma membrane location for a disulfide isomerase protein. In: “Cell membrane: molecular structure, physicochemical properties and interactions with the environment”. Nova Science Publishers, Cap.2: 25-42. (2013)
  • Aureli, E. Gaucci, V. Arcangeli, C. Grillo, M. Eufemi, S. Chichiarelli. ERp57/PDIA3 binds specific DNA fragments in a melanoma cell line Gene 524:390-395 (2013)
  • Petrocchi Passeri, L. Biondini, M.P. Mongiardi, N. Mordini, S. Quaresima, C. Frank, M. Baratta, M. Bartolomucci, A. Levi, C. Severini, R. Possenti. Neuropeptide TLQP-21, a VGF Internal Fragment, Modulates Hormonal Gene Expression and Secretion in GH3 Cell Line Neuroendocrinology 97:212-224(2013)
  • Vena, S. D’Adamio, A. Amendola. Complications of Osteotomies About the Knee Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Review 21:113-120 (2013)
  • Vergallo, T. Yonetsu, K. Kato, H. Jia, F. Abtahian, J. Tian, S. Hu, I. McNulty, B. Yu, L.M. Biasucci, F. Crea, I-K. Jang. Evaluation of culprit lesions by optical coherence tomography in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction International Journal of Cardiology 1592-1593 (2013)
  • Vergallo, T. Yonetsu, S. Uemura, S-J. Park, S. Lee, K. Kato, H. Jia, F. Abtahian, J. Tian, S. Hu, H. Lee, I. McNulty, A. Prasad, B. Yu, S. Zhang, I. Porto, L.M. Biasucci, F. Crea, I-K. Jang. Correlation Between Degree of Neointimal Hyperplasia and Incidence and Characteristics of Neoatherosclerosis as Assessed by Optical Coherence Tomography The American Journal of Cardiology 112:1315-1321 (2013)
  • Abtahian, T. Yonetsu, R. Vergallo, H. Jia, K. Kato, J. Tian, S. Hu, I. McNulty, I-K Jang. Ticagrelor immediately prior to stenting is associated with smaller residual thrombus in patients with acute coronary syndrome International Journal of Cardiology 3099-3101 (2013)
  • Jia, F. Abtahian, A. D. Aguirre, S. Lee, S. Chia, H. Lowe, K. Kato, T. Yonetsu, R. Vergallo, S. Hu, J. Tian, H. Lee, S-J Park, Y-S. Jang, O.C. Raffel, K. Mizuno, S. Uemura, T. Itoh, T. Kakuta, S-Y Choi, H.L. Dauerman, A. Prasad, C. Toma, I. McNulty, S. Zhang, B. Yu, V. Fuster, J. Narula, R. Virmani, I-K. Jang. In Vivo Diagnosis of Plaque Erosion and Calcified Nodule in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome by Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography Journal of the American College of Cardiology 62: 1748-1758 (2013)
  • Yonetsu, K. Kato, S. Uemura, B-K Kim, Y. Jang, S-J Kang, S-J Park, S. Lee, S-J Kim, H. Jia, R. Vergallo, F. Abtahian, J. Tian, S. Hu, R.W. Yeh, R. Sakhuja, I. McNulty, H. Lee, S. Zhang, T. Kakuta, I-K Jang.  Features of Coronary Plaque in Patients With Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes Mellitus Assessed by 3-Vessel Optical Coherence Tomography Circulation Cardiovascular Imaging 6:665-673 (2013)
  • Kato, T. Yonetsu, H. Jia, F. Abtahian, R. Vergallo, S. Hu, J. Tian, S-J Kim, H. Lee, I. McNulty, S. Lee, S. Uemura, Y. Jang, S-J Park, K. Mizuno, B. You, I-K Jang. Nonculprit Coronary Plaque Characteristics of Chronic Kidney Disease Circulation Cardiovascular Imaging 6:448-456 (2013)
  • Bisicchia, F. Rosso, M.A. Pizzimenti, C. Rungprai, J.E. Goetz, A. Amendola. Injury Risk to Extraosseous Knee Vasculature During Osteotomies:  A Cadaveric Study With CT and Dissections Analysis   Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research  473:1030-1039 (2014)
  • Di Sotto, F. Maffei, P. Hrelia, S. Di Giacomo, E. Pagano, F. Borrelli, G. Mazzanti. Genotoxicity assessment of some cosmetic and food additives Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 68:16-22 (2014)
  • Di Giacomo, G. Mazzanti, M.G. Sarpietro, A. Di Sotto. α-Hexylcinnamaldeyde Inhibits the Genotoxicity of Environmental Pollutants in the Bacterial Reverse Mutation Assay Journal of Natural Products 77: 2664-2670 (2014)
  • Giordani, M.  Sandoná, A. Rotini, P.L. Puri, S. Consalvi, V. Saccone. Muscle-specific microRNAs as biomarkers of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy progression and response to therapies Rare Diseases 2 (2014)
  • Severini, P. Petrocchi Passeri, M.T. Ciotti, F. Florenzano, R. Possenti, C. Zona, A. Di Matteo, A. Guglielmotti, P. Calissano, J. Pachter, D. Mercanti. Bindarit, Inhibitor of CCL2 Synthesis, Protects Neurons Against Amyloid-β-Induced Toxicity   Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 38:281-293 (2014)
  • Vergallo, X. Ren, T. Yonetsu, K. Kato, S. Uemura, B. Yu, H. Jia, F. Abtahian, A.D. Aguirre, J. Tian, S. Hu, T. Soeda, H. Lee, I. McNulty, S-J Park, Y. Jang, A. Prasad, S. Lee, S. Zhang, I. Porto, L.M. Biasucci, F. Crea, I-K Jang. Pancoronary plaque vulnerability in patients with acute coronary syndrome and ruptured culprit plaque: A 3-vessel optical coherence tomography study American Heart Journal 167:59-67 (2014)
  • Yonetsu, W. Suh, F. Abtahian, K. Kato, R. Vergallo, S-J. Kim, H. Jia, I. McNulty, H. Lee, I-K. Jang. Comparison of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Optical Coherence Tomography for Detection of Lipid Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions 84:710-717 (2014)
  • Aleandri, G. Bertazzoni, D. Romanzi, G. Vetrano, F. Durazzi, G. Mazzanti, A. Vitalone. The Use of Herbal Products during Breastfeeding: A Study from a Public Italian Hospital Journal of Food Processing and Technology 5 (2014)
  • De Nuccio, A. Bernardo, C. Cruciani, R. De Simone, S. Visentin, L. Minghetti. Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor-γ agonists protect oligodendrocyte progenitors against tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced damage: Effects on mitochondrial functions and differentiation Experimental Neurology 271:506-514 (2015)
  • Di Sotto, G. Mazzanti, N. Savickiene, R. Staršelskytė, V. Baksenskaite, S. Di Giacomo, A. Vitalone. Antimutagenic and antioxidant activity of a protein fraction from aerial parts of Urtica dioica   Pharmaceutical Biology 53:935-938 (2015)
  • Mazzanti, A. Di Sotto, A. Vitalone. Hepatotoxicity of green tea: an update Archives of Toxicology 89:1175-1191 (2015)
  • G. Sarpietro, A. Di Sotto, M.L. Accolla, F. Castelli. Interaction of α-Hexylcinnamaldehyde with a Biomembrane Model: A Possible MDR Reversal Mechanism Journal of Natural Products 78:1154-1159 (2015)
  • Garzoli, A. Pirolli, E. Vavala, A. Di Sotto, G. Sartorelli, M. Božović, L. Angiolella, G. Mazzanti, F. Pepi, R. Ragno. Multidisciplinary Approach to Determine the Optimal Time and Period for Extracting the Essential Oil from Mentha suaveolens Ehrh.  Molecules 20:9640-9655 (2015)
  • Guerra, S. Amore Bonapasta, M. Annecchiarico, S. Bongiolatti, A. Coratti. Robot-integrated intraoperative ultrasound: initial experience with hepatic malignancies Minimally Invasive Therapy 24:345-349 (2015)
  • Bianchi, S. Taurone, L. Bardella, A. Signore, E. Pompili, V. Sessa, C. Chiappetta, L. Fumagalli, C. Di Gioia, F.S. Pastore, S. Scarpa, M. Artico. Involvement of pro-inflammatory cytokines and growth factors in the pathogenesis of Dupuytren’s contracture: a novel target for a possible future therapeutic strategy? Clinical Science 129:711-720 (2015)
  • Allkanjari, A. Vitalone. What do we know about phytotherapy of benign prostatic hyperplasia?  Life Sciences 126:42-56 (2015)
  • Di Giacomo, G. Mazzanti, A. Di Sotto. Mutagenicity of Cigarette Butt Waste in the Bacterial Reverse Mutation Assay: The Protective Effects of β-Caryophyllene and β-Caryophyllene Oxide Environmental Toxicology 31:1319-1328 (2016)
  • Di Giacomo, A. Di Sotto, M. Zaki El-Readi, G. Mazzanti, M. Wink. α-Hexylcinnamaldehyde Synergistically Increases Doxorubicin Cytotoxicity Towards Human Cancer Cell Lines Anticancer Research 36:3347-3352 (2016)
  • Mazzanti, S. Di Giacomo. Curcumin and Resveratrol in the Management of Cognitive Disorders: What Is the Clinical Evidence? Molecules 21 1243 (2016)
  • Canavesi, S. Aprile, G. B. Giovenzana, A. Di Sotto, S. Di Giacomo, E. Del Grosso, G. Grosa. New insights in oxybutynin chemical stability: Identification intransdermal patches of a new impurity arising from oxybutynin N-oxide rearrangement European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 84:123–131(2016)
  • Di Sotto, S. Di Giacomo, C. Toniolo, M. Nicoletti, G. Mazzanti. Sisymbrium Officinale (L.) Scop. and its Polyphenolic Fractions Inhibit the Mutagenicity of Tert-Butylhydroperoxide in Escherichia Coli WP2uvrAR Strain Phytotherapy Research 30: 829-834 (2016).
  • Labianca, F. Turturro, A. Montanaro, S. Frontini, A. Carducci, M. Pane. Scoliosis surgical treatment in spinal muscular atrophy: functional outcomes comparison in patients that underwent or not surgical treatment European Spine Journal 25:1303 (2016)
  • Labianca, A. Montanaro, F. Turturro, V. Cipolloni, D. Lupariello. Surgical treatment of scoliosis in very rare neuromuscular pathologies: results and complications in a 15 years follow-up study European Spine Journal 25:1340 (2016)
  • Cervelli, A. Leonetti, L. Cervoni, S. Ohkubo, M. Xhani, P. Stano, R. Federico, F. Polticelli, P. Mariottini, E. Agostinelli. Stability of spermine oxidase to thermal and chemical denaturation: comparison with bovine serum amine oxidase Amino Acids 48:2283-2291 (2016).